Summary information link

What is this Webdeersign RW Stacks Project all about?

  • 100% SOURCE for a 100% Google Insights Pagespeed
  • CSS Grid full page layout with sidebar
  • Dark mode/ Light mode configurations
  • TikTok portrait size Video in Grid positions
  • Unique image/video hover effects
  • Additional Poster2 configuration for more complex or larger blog/product pages that require a Poster2 solution that can scale into a large system - perfect for building the very best blog layouts.
  • Additional Poster2 control of hover overlay colours, controlled from the Poster2 Item content.

Ideal for:

Creating an attention grabbing home page
Or Blog, Product or Service web site.
Copying and pasting whole page or individual layouts, into your own designs.

Dark Mode Notes:

This page is set to Auto Dark Mode. If you have Dark Mode enabled and use a Dark Mode capable browser, you will view in Dark Mode. Otherwise you will see the Light mode.

The Product page is set to always Dark Mode in all browsers.

Images are available from Unsplash. Video available from Pexels.

Yet another Google PageSpeed 100 result